Episodes from 2024

05 Sep 2024 · #647 Don't Come Dying to See Me

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

A Catholic Thing You Should Really Know...

29 Aug 2024 · #646 The Weight of Glory

Fr. John Nepil. Fr. Mike Rapp

Encouragement to pursue glory

22 Aug 2024 · #645 The Covenants of Old

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

God wants to make a covenant with you

15 Aug 2024 · #644 Olaf's Self-Reliance

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

Ralph Waldo Emerson v. Sigrid Undset, Round 1

08 Aug 2024 · #643 2024 Summer Conference

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

Literature -- the autobiography for humanity

01 Aug 2024 · #642 Brothers in Mission

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

United in the Eucharist

25 Jul 2024 · #641 Don't Let the Money make you Rich

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

And the rich He will send away empty...

18 Jul 2024 · #640 The Tragedy of the Fall

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

Acknowledging sin in order to return to Him.

11 Jul 2024 · #639 Everyday Pilgrims

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

It can start at home

04 Jul 2024 · #638 Lessons from the Camino

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

Be a disciple

27 Jun 2024 · #637 Farsi Belle

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

Reordering a disordered pursuit of beauty

20 Jun 2024 · #636 Food for the Journey

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

Eucharistic Miracles and Camino de Santiago

13 Jun 2024 · #635 How It All Ends

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

Exploring the wedding feast of the lamb

05 Jun 2024 · #634 Matter Matters

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

Visible signs of invisible realities

30 May 2024 · #633 The Virginal Paternity of God

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

Some thoughts from Louis Bouyer on how the feminine images God

23 May 2024 · #632 New Priests and Pentecost

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

Exploring ordinations and holy feasts

16 May 2024 · #631 Brave New Motherless Wold

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

Living in an impersonal world

09 May 2024 · #630 Pier Giorgio Trojan Horse

Fr. Sean Conroy & Deacon Jacob Machado

Verso l'alto

02 May 2024 · #629 Paradise Springs Eternal

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp

The Return to Paradise

25 Apr 2024 · #628 The Poet's Eye and God's Voice

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Inscape and Self Disclosure

18 Apr 2024 · #627 Remedies for Sorrow

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy & Megan Nix

Interview with Megan Nix

11 Apr 2024 · #626 Jesus in the Heart of Dixie

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Mother Angelica Fun Facts

04 Apr 2024 · #625 Bourbon, Neat

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy

Praise God for the gift of bourbon

28 Mar 2024 · #624 The Universal Call to Contemplation?

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Holiness in hidden life

21 Mar 2024 · #623 Evangelization & the Kerygma

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy

Don't Impose, Propose

14 Mar 2024 · #622 The Spirit Within

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Prophecy Yesterday and Today

07 Mar 2024 · #621 Eschatology and Utopia

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy

Don't Live in the Bubble

29 Feb 2024 · #620 Fount of Renewal

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Where is renewal needed?

22 Feb 2024 · #619 Chastity, Reconsidered

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy

Dispossession of Love

15 Feb 2024 · #618 Soto Voce Part Two

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Whispered Prayers

08 Feb 2024 · #617 A Reflection on Mary

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy

Lourdes and the Eucharist

01 Feb 2024 · #616 The Quiet Parts

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Praying Sotto Voce at Mass

25 Jan 2024 · #615 Sunday Best

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy

Elevate your Sundays

18 Jan 2024 · #614 Cathartic Heresies

Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado

Is Self-Help a Modern Day Heresy?

11 Jan 2024 · #613 The Religion of the Day

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy

Conversion away from

04 Jan 2024 · #612 New Year, Same Us

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Deacon Jacob Machado

Looking Back and Moving Forward