#evangelical-counsels Episodes

08 Jul 2021 · #497 Repost: Celibatio Celebratio

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel

Radical Readiness

06 Oct 2016 · #257 Celibatio Celebratio

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel

Radical Readiness

18 Aug 2016 · #251 The Art of Priesting

Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp

Living Between Heaven and Earth

10 Dec 2015 · #216 The Poorest of the Poor

CatholicStuffPodcast@gmail.com(J.10 Initiative)

Studying with the Saints for the final exam

21 May 2013 · #136 Obedience

CatholicStuffPodcast@gmail.com(J.10 Initiative)

Can obedience actually bring about freedom? Spoiler Alert: Yes!

09 Aug 2012 · #99 The Hidden Vocation

CatholicStuffPodcast@gmail.com (J.10 Initiative)

Bobby Fischer, where is he? I don’t know, I don’t know…

12 Oct 2010 · #25 Chastity, Celibacy, Continence

J. 10 Initiative

The Three C's of Radicalness