#holy-orders Episodes

05 Jun 2024 · #634 Matter Matters

Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado

Visible signs of invisible realities

16 Feb 2023 · #566 Saint Rev Mr Dcn Epaphras of the Colossians

Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado

Deacon's got to deac!

24 Aug 2017 · #301 Men in Black

Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel

Say Yes to the Cassock

15 Sep 2016 · #254 Mythbustin' Patriarchy

Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Nathan Goebel

Woah, paradigm shift

26 Feb 2015 · #178 Service of Communion

CatholicStuffPodcast@gmail.com(J.10 Initiative)

That one paragraph that sticks in my craw...