Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Jacob Machado
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Jacob Machado & Fr. Sean Conroy
Cheers to 15 Years
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Jacob Machado
Bad baddies being bad
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Jacob Machado
A Qoheletian 2025 dawns -- what delights and satisfactions with this year bring?!
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Jesus' royal peace plans
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Pushing Yourself to New Limits
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Pray your Rosary
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Reclaiming Christian Culture
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
The cloud of unknowing
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
The Luke-Acts vision of the Early Church
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
You Can't Love if You Don't Know
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Ralph Waldo Emerson v. Sigrid Undset, Round 1
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado
Literature -- the autobiography for humanity
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
And the rich He will send away empty...
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
It can start at home
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Reordering a disordered pursuit of beauty
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Exploring the wedding feast of the lamb
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Some thoughts from Louis Bouyer on how the feminine images God
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Living in an impersonal world
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Return to Paradise
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Inscape and Self Disclosure
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Mother Angelica Fun Facts
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Holiness in hidden life
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Prophecy Yesterday and Today
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Where is renewal needed?
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Whispered Prayers
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Praying Sotto Voce at Mass
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Is Self-Help a Modern Day Heresy?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Deacon Jacob Machado
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Christmas Wishes
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
A Mariological Read of 1 John 1
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
The Grandfather of the Apocalypse
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
How do you experience the church as Mother?
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Universal Call to Stoliness
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin
East and West
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Church fathers... not desert fathers
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
God's angel is waiting for you around the corner
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob
Two Catholic Schmucks Talking About Schtuff
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
An Unshielded Heart
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Joe McGill
A tale of a Quixotic Tattoo
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
God, Nature, and Us
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Deacon Jacob Machado
A Conversation without Larry Chapp
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Holy Heuristic
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Leave it to Beaver
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Power in the name
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Guy and the Bear Canister
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
What's On Your Crest?
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
In a Better Place
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Baby Bounce
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Trust Fall
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Lenten Battlefield
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Bishop Andrew Cozzens
The Heart of the Church.
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
Deacon's got to deac!
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Shake Off the Dust
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Reestablishing Unity
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
Looking back, looking forward
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Clean up the Glass
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Cross Triumphs
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Jacob Machado
Make gratitude a habit
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Everything We Own Belongs to God
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
Don’t Shove the Dove
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Jacob Machado & Fr. Timothy Danaher
How God Speaks
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Chasing Hens in the Bible and Beyond
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Jacob Machado
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
What was the topic anyway?
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
How many Popes can fit in a nursing home?
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
The Holy Spirit likes weird
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
Don't be Mod
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
The Consequences of Jealousy
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
Relating to the Culture
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Jacob Machado
Leaving the Noise
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Take it to heart
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
What else could you need?!...
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
And your cup is overflowing?
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
The value of sacrifice
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Stay calm and keep on Evangelizing
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Wheresoever we writhe, ... God will provithe!
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Brian Larkin & Patrick Devenny
How to be Human in the Church
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Brian Larkin & Patrick Devenny
Gregorian Stuff You Should Know
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Giftedness, Givenness, Gratuity
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Ecclesiology and Eschatology... in space.
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Dante's Purgatorio
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
A change and a tribute.
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
State of the Union
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Pondering your final desires
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Being forced to seek out help.
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Moments of recentering and remembering.
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Remembering the simple things
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Ask, and then maybe spoil them.
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Continuing back, even in the struggle
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
It's more than just bearing fruit.
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Focus on the plot, not just the extras.
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Seeking the truth is more than just a list
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin
Taking time to praise & reflect.
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
RCIA Lesson: The Five Powers of the Holy Spirit
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Death is not the final word.
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
The beauty of prayer through chant and song
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & David Goebel
Reflections with a dad
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Portraying the Wort of God
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Let your faith be seen
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Because He Promised
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Promoting aid through justice and mercy
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Quick texts to your spiritual friends
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Seeing the Sacraments
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Fueling wonder & praise
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Learning true freedom with Dostoevsky
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Water, from beginning to end
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Prepare for the birth of the Lord
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Love found in sacrifice
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Learning from your screen time
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Following the shepherd's guide
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Reflections on the highway
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
The desire to give life
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Are cheese-crackers a Human Right?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Learning Holiness in Unexpected Circumstances
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
What does God want me to choose?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
A light for the world
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Living with charm, wit, & elegance
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Faith for the generations
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Austin Litke
Living in Harmony
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
He blesses the mission
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Looking Back
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Mercy in the Mass
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Run to the Eucharist
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
What you did to the least of these
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Art of Prayer
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Beauty of the Feminine
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Thy will be done
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Clear the brush
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Trusting in a Merciful God
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Living the Scriptures
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Our Holy Longing
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Rising to a Different Life
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Re-imagining the Mountains of Scripture
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
The effect of small, seemingly insignificant, lives
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin
Reminiscing Together
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Calling all devotees
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Kissing the frog... goodbye
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin
A witness to courage
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
What oak would you chop? *Warning: content not appropriate for 12 & under*
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
two in one.
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Receiving gifts & grace
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Exodus and X-Mas called out
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Casual interactions with Jesus lead to so much more
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Jesus is not asking me to play safe
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Counting Chickens instead of Sheep
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Sly Compliments, Pure Intentions
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Impact of Words on a Page
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Fruit is sweeter than coal
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Holy Flock
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Awakening to Something Greater
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Don't leave the classroom yet
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Nepaltism Parting Glass
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Creating community that is hostile to the devil
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Where would you go?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Should You Change Your Attitude?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
When two, or three, or all four hosts are gathered in one place
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
For the love of the Psalms
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Colonial Evangelization
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Name that Order
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Seeking the Radical Life
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
And you shall name Him...
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
You Asked, We Answered
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Jesus, the Stranger
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
She brings about unity.
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Are you my Mother?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
To live in shuch a way as to reveal love
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Joining Forces for Unity
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Practical Steps to Living Out Holiness
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Austin Litke
Understanding the Relationship of Grace and Nature
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
How To: Spiritual Friendship
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Awaken to Meaning
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
RCIA Lesson: The Five Powers of the Holy Spirit
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Going back to our roots.
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Finding Answers with Saint Luke
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Wonder at the best of women
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. John Klockeman
Billy Joel don't sue us
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Loving Persons, not "The Poor"
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Don't Worry Soul, Penance is Coming!
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Too Much or Too Litle?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Providential Propaganda
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Belief as a Way of Knowledge
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Be More Human
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
But, There is Hope in Grace
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Christianity: Unity in Diversity
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Hail the Door through which the Light of the World is Risen
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
But really only 3 because we can't get greedy
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Having Faith in Faith
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Perfection as Heroism or as Consistency?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Story vs History
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
If the Incarnation didn't happen, there's no such thing as Charity
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel
Sin narrows reality, but Liturgy offers reality itself
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
To be Perfect is to be Nothing but Relation
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Scars Transfigured
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. John Klockeman
Proclaiming the Gospel in Freedom
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Configured to Jesus
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Principles not Issues
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Give Your Heart to the Wretched
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Michael O'Loughlin
Hic, Boot, Sam, & Fr. Michael answer your questions!
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Nathan Goebel
Because I said so!
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Nathan Goebel
Woah, paradigm shift
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Living Between Heaven and Earth
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Catholic Good Will Hunting
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Rehabilitating the Heart Over Cappuccinos
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Examining the Onion of the Soul
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
You will be 3% fluent in Latin
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Jesus of History Meets the Jesus of Faith
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
You Are Appreciated
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Walking on the Camino - Trying to Find Life
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
A Very Catholic Topic
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Tackling a difficult topic in the light of Christ
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
In one man we all sinned and in one man we are all redeemed.