Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Jacob Machado
Coming of the Light of Christ
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Fr. Jacob Machado
Literature -- the autobiography for humanity
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Exploring the wedding feast of the lamb
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
The Return to Paradise
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy
Live in the Heart of the Church
Fr. Sean Conroy & Deacon Jacob Machado
Sadness: A Universal Experience
Fr. John Nepil & Deacon Jacob Machado
Phenomenon of the none
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Power in the name
Fr. Sean Conroy & Deacon Jacob Machado
Predictably an Easter Podcast
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Lenten Battlefield
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy
Consequences of Rationalism
Fr. John Nepil & Jacob Machado
Spiritual Vision
Fr. John Nepil
Hide & Go Seek
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
Continuing back, even in the struggle
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel
He is on the move
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel
Hans, I'm picking up what you're putting down
J. 10 Initiative
Steve Nepil… Hot or Not?
J. 10 Initiative
A Commentary on Holy Saturday
J. 10 Initiative
You might want to drink a 5-hour energy before this one…
J. 10 Initiative
Does it still count if I don’t even like chocolate?
J. 10 Initiative
No this is not becoming an astronomy podcast (J.10 Initiative)
Not just the theme of a horror movie