Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Jacob Machado
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy
Letters from the Colorado Trail Revisited - Fr. Sean Edition
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy
Letters From the Colorado Trail
Fr. Mike Rapp & Deacon Jacob Machado
Inscape and Self Disclosure
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conroy
Training Ground for Humanity
Fr. Sean Conroy & Deacon Jacob Machado
The proper ordering of knowledge and the sciences
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
The Holy Spirit likes weird
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Sean Conrol
The Spirituality of John Muir
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
And your cup is overflowing?
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Giftedness, Givenness, Gratuity