Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy & Jacob Machado & Fr. Timothy Danaher
How God Speaks
Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Sean Conroy
Chasing Hens in the Bible and Beyond
Fr. Mike Rapp & Jacob Machado
The Holy Spirit likes weird
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Giftedness, Givenness, Gratuity
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
Dante's Purgatorio
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel
The Central Theme
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel
The desire within
Fr. Nathan Goebel & Fr. Mike Rapp
The effect of small, seemingly insignificant, lives
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel
Fighting the need to win
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Nathan Goebel
He is on the move
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Counting Chickens instead of Sheep
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Mike Rapp
Fruit is sweeter than coal
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. Austin Litke
Understanding the Relationship of Grace and Nature
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
But, There is Hope in Grace
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp & Fr. John Klockeman
Proclaiming the Gospel in Freedom
Fr. Michael O'Loughlin & Fr. Nathan Goebel
Holy Cow
Fr. John Nepil & Fr. Mike Rapp
In one man we all sinned and in one man we are all redeemed. Initiative)
Resolving oneself to resoluteness . . . tomorrow